
Showing posts from March, 2013

New England Transition & Resilience HUB Gathering at the Slow Living Summit, Brattleboro VT, June 5 – 8

New England Transition & Resilience HUB Gathering at the Slow Living Summit, Brattleboro VT, June 5 – 8 In conjunction with the Slow Living Summit and the Strolling of the Heifers Calling all “Transition & Community Resilience” activists in the northeast! Transition Towns, environmental justice groups, local green economy groups… Let’s gather together for inspiration, celebration, story sharing and skills building. Invite your friends on Facebook IF YOU REGISTER BEFORE MARCH 31st –You Can Get An Early-Bird Discount AND a Transition HUB Participant discount. REGISTER HERE ! Then email to let us know you plan to attend. DISCOUNT CODE FOR TRANSITION NETWORK MEMBERS (20%): Transitioner2013 SPEAKERS: Frances Moore Lappe, Judy Wicks, Steve Chase, Carlos Espinoza-Toro, Claire Wheeler and many more. PLENARY: “Transition to a New Economy” Plenary Session (Friday morning 6/7 at 8:30 am): “Transitioning to a New Economy,” with Gus Speth, Tina Clarke and Chuck Collin...

Sustaining Ourselves: How Can We Best Meet the Needs of Today and Tomorrow?

Forum - Civic Engagement at the Keene Public Library: Theme: Sustaining Ourselves: How Can We Best Meet the Needs of Today and Tomorrow? Keene Public Library - Kay Fox Room Saturday April 13, 2013, 9:30AM to 12:00PM It seems clear that the America inhabited by our grandchildren will look different from the America of today. We need to address what aspects of our current lifestyle are important enough to keep and pass down, and what we could choose to do without. It is time to ask: How can we best meet our needs today without hampering our ability to meet those needs tomorrow? Citizens have the opportunity to discuss this public issue in a moderated forum. To participate, please register by calling 603-352-0157.