
Showing posts from January, 2014

MFCC invites you to "Farm to School: Classrooms to Cafeterias" - Thursday, February 6

Monadnock Farm & Community Coalition invites you to the winter forum: Farm to School: Classrooms to Cafeterias February 6th at 4:00pm - 6:30pm Heberton Hall (next to Keene Public Library) RSVP here! Panelists: Sarah Lovitz & Richard Berkfeld, Monadnock Menus; Donna Reynolds, ConVal Food Service; Jenny Wichland, Surry Village Charter School; Eloise Clark, The Hooper Institute Exhibitors: NH Farm Bureau, Early Sprouts, NH Farm to School, The Cornucopia Project, Stonewall Farm, Keene SC Sustainability, The Hooper Institute Stations: Monadnock Menus, Surry Village Charter School, NH Healthy Eating Active Living, Keene State College Dietetic Internship Through presentations, takeaways, displays, and learning stations, we will learn how other communities successfully implemented farm to school food programs, make available innovative lessons for learning in the classroom, and identify next steps for our Education Working Group toward the completion of our goals: Improve students...

Farmer Appreciation Night 2014

Sharing this invitation from the Monadnock Farm & Community Coalition : Join the Monadnock Farm & Community Coalition for a night of merriment and tribute to the farmers who enable us to eat local, farm-fresh foods throughout the season, contribute to our community, and help preserve the rural feel and agricultural heritage of the beautiful Monadnock Region. This volunteer-run event brings farmers and the broader public together to kick back, eat, drink, and be merry together - and perhaps even dance a little! EVENT DETAILS Buffet dinner! 5:30pm-7pm Featuring a dinner of many local ingredients, generously prepared by Inn & Out Hospitality and an army of volunteers!* Potluck - casseroles, salads, and vegetable dishes welcomed. Cash bar! Dance! 7:30pm-10pm Get your groove on with The Bump Road Band, The Cold River Ranters, Contradance & more... Awards! Oldest farmer and newcomer! *Local foods are cooked by a fantastic & fun team of volunteers - if you would like ...

Monadnock Earth Journal: "That global coffee with a splash of local flavor"

New column in the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript : That global coffee with a splash of local flavor I'll be writing a new "Monadnock Earth Journal" piece every month. Your feedback is welcome!