
Showing posts from November, 2015

International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability in Portland

I'm excited to be presenting at the On Sustainability Knowledge Network's 12th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability , this January at Portland State University.  The theme is "Urban Sustainability: Inspiration and Solution," and my presentation is titled "A Scholar’s Garden: Inquiry into the Landscape of Food Justice Scholarship and Implications for Sustainability Education." This will be my second time presenting to an international audience following the IAU International Conference in Iquitos, Peru in 2014 . I am thrilled to be visiting Portland again, and the Graduate Scholar Award supporting my attendance is an honor. Now, to figure out how to take all those food carts home! 

Climate of Change: Good work to share in food systems

Re-posting this news from Antioch University New England : Several Antioch University New England students, alumni, and faculty attended the New England Environmental Education Alliance conference held November 8-10 in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire. Many of the AUNE attendees also led workshops. The New England Environmental Education Alliance (NEEEA) has a 46-year history of leading, convening, and advancing environmental education in New England. This year’s conference was titled, “Climate of Change.” AUNE is represented at NEEEA Conference by: Andrew Graham, Cynthia Espinosa Merrero, Dr. Jean Kayira, Jen Trapani (in front), Dave Chase, MEd (in back), Jess Gerrior, Dr. Libby McCann Dr. Libby McCann and Dr. Jean Kayira, both core faculty in the AUNE Department of Environmental Studies, teamed with students Andrew Graham, Jess Gerrior, and Cynthia Espinosa Merrero for two sessions. “Everyone Eats: Community Gardening as a Practice of Civic Ecology & Resilience,” offered...

Sourcing knowledge, sharing the journey

I had the wonderful privilege of co-presenting two workshops at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability (AASHE) Conference on " Transforming Sustainability Education " in Minneapolis this past week, and am so pleased to report that not only were both sessions really well attended, our participants were deeply engaged and passionate about both topics: "Re-thinking Options for Curriculum and Faculty Development: How will we take it to the next level?" and "Sustainability Officers: The Dream, the Sometimes Harsh Reality, the Reasons You Want Us on Your Leadership Team" (a video shoot). Many thanks to my colleagues for a great collaborative experience! It's rejuvenating to be in the company of such thoughtful and skilled sustainability educators, and I keep finding new facets of meaning in "sustainability" (even if the term sometimes falls short as a tool to convey an idea). There was a strong voice for change in both workshops - ...