
Showing posts from January, 2016

Highlights from the 12th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability

I was honored to be one of twelve Graduate Scholars selected to present and serve at the  12th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability , hosted at Portland State University (Portland, OR) this weekend. Here are a few photo highlights: Faculty participating in my workshop, "A Scholar's Garden: Inquiry into the Landscape of Food Justice Scholarship and Implications for Sustainability Education." Two main questions we explored, through a collective concept mapping activity, were: How do scholarly disciplines and cultures approach food justice, and what does this mean for sustainability praxis? What could a sustainability pedagogy that embraces food justice look like? It was a pleasure to get to know and support other Graduate Scholars. Nazan Madak (of Anadolu University in Turkey) and I had a chance to watch the PSU Farmers' Market being set up from the Smith Memorial Student Union on Saturday morning. My favo...