
Showing posts from February, 2018

Monadnock Farm & Community Coalition Introduces New Local Food Resource, "Cultivating Community"

Food Solutions New England  has published a story on the service learning project I am now wrapping up: Monadnock Farm & Community Coalition Introduces New Local Food Resource, "Cultivating Community" The Monadnock Farm & Community Coalition (MFCC) has announced the launch of a new resource for Coalition partners and community members: a visual and narrative portfolio depicting the array of work people in the Monadnock Region are doing around issues of local food and the ways these individuals experience, relate with, and find meaning in the work. The photographic and written depictions, available to the public through MFCC’s  website , can be used by organizations and stakeholders to enhance their own efforts, whether to inform promotional or educational programs, engage new members, apply for funding, or support collaboration. The collection can also provide a tool for farmers, service providers, educators, and others to reflect upon and communicate the val...