
Showing posts from December, 2024

2024 updates

It's been a while! With just a couple of weeks left in 2024, here's an update:  I am halfway through a second year teaching in UNH's Department of Agriculture, Nutrition, and Food Systems, and truly enjoying it!  This month I'll be completing the CITI course on Responsible Conduct of Research in Social, Behavioral, and Education (SBE) Sciences, and I've enrolled in a UNH Women's Studies course for the January term: Women, Power, and Privilege. Very excited to dive in. I attended the NH Food Alliance Statewide Gathering in May, and the  NH Nutrition Equity Summit  in October, and was inspired by colleagues, dedicated advocates, and newcomers helping to connect nutrition, agriculture, and social equity through research, policy, and education. On behalf of Cornucopia Project , I secured a $50,000 USDA Farm to School grant for the "High School Food Systems Journey" that will support high school student farmer training and curriculum development. So thrille...