NH Food Strategy update
Sharing this great stuff from the NH Food Strategy : Clarifying Terminology: What do we mean by Strategy, Network, and Network Process? Here is a brief explanation of terminology we consistently use. These definitions are also available on our website along with additional details about the Process. NH Food Strategy: This is a 'product' that we are currently developing with the help of the Network (YOU), which will identify leverage points and action priorities for strengthening our food system. The format for the NH Food Strategy is still being developed, and feedback, data, and input continued to be gathered. We plan to release the first draft of the NH Food Strategy by the end of 2015 or early 2016. This Strategy will continue to be refined and adapted as needed to reflect the current state of our progress as a Network. NH Food System Network: Businesses, organizations, institutions, agencies, and individuals that contribute to the NH food system . Participating indivi...