NH Food Strategy update

Sharing this great stuff from the NH Food Strategy:

Clarifying Terminology: What do we mean by Strategy, Network, and Network Process?

Here is a brief explanation of terminology we consistently use. These definitions are also available on our website along with additional details about the Process.

NH Food Strategy: This is a 'product' that we are currently developing with the help of the Network (YOU), which will identify leverage points and action priorities for strengthening our food system. The format for the NH Food Strategy is still being developed, and feedback, data, and input continued to be gathered. We plan to release the first draft of the NH Food Strategy by the end of 2015 or early 2016. This Strategy will continue to be refined and adapted as needed to reflect the current state of our progress as a Network.

NH Food System Network: Businesses, organizations, institutions, agencies, and individuals that contribute to the NH food system. Participating individuals are working to build a shared understanding of the NH food system, align individual and collective efforts, and come together around priority actions and key leverage points for strengthening our state's food system. The Network is not membership based and participation across the state, food system sectors, and various points of view are encouraged.

Network Process/Approach: We aim to build connectivity, alignment, and action; build a shared understanding of the food system; and build relationships and trust. These things are happening via several avenues from the Regional Gatherings to decentralized action among the Network.

Food System: We are using the following definition when referring to Food System: “A food system includes all processes and infrastructure involved in feeding a population: growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, marketing, consumption, and disposal of food and food-related items. It also includes the inputs needed and outputs generated at each of these steps. A food system operates within and is influenced by social, political, economic and environmental contexts. It also requires human resources that provide labor, research and education.” (wikipedia 2014)

NH Regional Gatherings and Outreach Events - Gathering INPUT!

Since July of 2014, the Backbone Organization along with Process and Strategy Team members have been gathering input to inform the first draft of the NH Food Strategy. We held 8 Regional Gatherings around the state, and collaborated on two additional events in Keene and Laconia to hear from stakeholders their challenges, success stories, and key priorities for improving their businesses and our food system. We had over 250 people participate across these 10 events, many of whom have stayed in touch with the process via the NH.foodsystem Listserv and through personal communications.

The Backbone Organization is continuing to gather input via our online questionnaire on the NHFSN&S website, through individual outreach, and by attending events across the region. We have been hearing a lot of positive feedback about this effort, and we look forward to engaging even more people in this process.

For more information, contact Jessica.Boynton@unh.edu or call 603.465.8255.