Community and food adventures ahead this summer

A brief update and invitation to join me for these summer adventures involving community, food, or (my favorite) both:
  • Garden parties with Community Garden Connections, a project of Antioch University New England and Cheshire County Conservation District - Tuesdays in July and August, from 4 to 6 pm. The student-run garden is next to the former Cheshire County correctional facility site and across the road from Maplewood Nursing Home on River Road in Westmoreland, NH.
  • Weekly farm produce pickups through Farm to Family - my usual market order pickup is Thursdays 3 to 5 pm at Stone Arch, Keene Housing Authority's senior residential neighborhood. The market is open to all, regardless of income or residence.
  • Free breakfast and lunch for school-age kids on weekdays July 10 through August 18. Antrim Elementary School times are 8:30 for breakfast and 11:00 for lunch. Keene Public Library is also participating. No registration needed, just show up for a healthy meal.
  • Presenting two workshops at the American Community Gardening Association 2017 Conference in Hartford, CT: "Gardens at Work: How to reap the benefits of workplace gardens" and "Wellness in Place: Holistic Approaches to Building Resilience Through Community Gardening" - along with my colleagues who are doing great work in community gardening throughout New England.
Besides these, I'll be working on an article or two, drafting a dissertation proposal, and completing a service learning project involving photovoice, a community-based participatory research method. Hopefully, I'll get some good hikes in as well! 

Connect with me this summer!