Dirt! Today's film screening and continuing events in October-November

I will be at these events as a participant and to photograph activities as part of my doctoral service learning project. Please join us!

Film Screening TOMORROW!
 Tuesday, October 3rd at 6:00pm
Stonewall Farm in Keene, NH  
DIRT! The Movie

DIRT! The Movie brings to life the environmental, economic, social and political impact that the soil has. It shares the stories of experts from all over the world who study and are able to harness the beauty and power of a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with soil.

Following the film, Keene State Professor, Dr. Mark Long, will facilitate a panel discussion on the topic of soil and its role as the foundation of a healthy food system - and society.
More events in our Dirt Series!

The Natural and Cultural History of Soil is a series of educational events on the theme of soil as the foundation of a healthy food system - and society. Supported in part by funding from a NH Humanities Community Project Grant and a partnership with Professor Mark C. Long of Keene State College, this series of events culminates with two talks by author David Montgomery in early November.
October 19th - Panel & Roundtable Discussion of David Montgomery books: Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, The Hidden Half of Nature, & Growing a Revolution 6pm at Stonewall Farm  
November 2nd - Keynote address by David Montgomery at the CCCD Annual Meeting Banquet Dinner 5pm at the Marriott in downtown Keene, NH - $20 for Cheshire County residents!  
November 3rd - Free talk by David Montgomery 11am at the Keene State College Centennial Hall, 229 Main St. Keene, NH

Leading up to this event, 50 books by Dr. Montgomery will be made available for community members to borrow at the Keene Public Library and the Cheshire County Conservation District office in Walpole, library card not needed.  
To reserve a book or RSVP to one of our events contact the CCCD at 603-756-2988 x115/116 or email lola@cheshireconservation.org