How the pandemic and related crises are shifting my actions
- I'm doubling my garden this year. I have 720 cells (15 trays) of seedlings in prep. I'm selling five 8-week garden basket subscriptions to local folk. Salvaging pallets for fencing and yard material bins. Picking back up with sourdough and kombucha. Learning how to propagate elderberry. Learning how to prune apple trees. Learning how to collect rainwater. Most surprising, learning how to shoot a rifle to protect my flock.
- Teaching online. For my Food, Wellness, and Social Environment course, I'm converting a two-week "ethical eating" challenge to a two-week observation and reflection period on how students' current experiences shed light on how our food system is impacted by crisis. For my Food & Environment class, I'm asking students to come up with their own questions about the content, collaborate on discussion threads, and have these questions inform the final exam.
- Talking to people on the phone. Enjoying the interview process as a way to build community and remind us of all the good we bring to it.
- Organizing. Clearing out the clutter. Sharpening the focus. Tuning out the noise. Nesting.
How are you and your communities moving in the midst of this moment?