Resources for educators, researchers, and writers in the age of COVID-19

I know none of us is alone in finding work that's challenging in "normal" times becomes next to impossible in strenuous circumstances. While I'm admittedly thankful not to be commuting 12+ hours/week, that time savings has been offset by the conversion of class plans to the online learning environment, managing around a household whose social supports and routines have been disrupted, and preparing our homestead for growing more food. Perhaps the biggest impediment has been the impact of stress on our collective ability to focus. I'm concerned for folks who are vulnerable - financially, mentally, and physically.

Yet, I've also been taking the opportunities afforded by the situation to reflect, take stock of what's important and what's at risk, practice gratitude for what's been taken for granted, and develop new structures and routines. I am adapting my approaches to teaching and community work. For example, I've changed a two-week challenge to eat more ethically (as defined by students) to a one-week practice of observation and reflection about the ethical implications of a global crisis for personal food security. I'm also finding a whole new level of gratitude and purpose in my work with Community Garden Connections and related efforts in New England.

Here are some resources I recommend for educators, researchers, and writers in the current working and living environment, and perhaps to keep in practice as we move forward:

What other resources are you drawing from? Let's connect.