NH Food Alliance events and resources
Sharing these from the NH Food Alliance : May 1st Network Cafe , 12:00-1:00pm : The Food Alliance team will have just a few updates about a "NH Feeding NH" crowdfunding program and the new USDA Food Box program. Afterwards, we'll open it up to you to share what your organization/community is doing and connect with others. RSVP by clicking the linked title. Information for NH Farmers to Accept SNAP : We know that supply chains are disrupted and more people are food insecure - to help with this, the Food Alliance, UNH Extension, and other partners have created a simple flyer detailing how farmers can start to accept SNAP (using EBT cards) for their products. There is information about a program called MarketLink that offers FREE EBT card readers to selected applicants. Also, there will be a useful webinar on May 6th @ 7pm detailing more about the SNAP process for food producers. Please feel free ...