NH Food Alliance events and resources

Sharing these from the NH Food Alliance:
  • May 1st Network Cafe, 12:00-1:00pm:  The Food Alliance team will have just a few updates about a "NH Feeding NH" crowdfunding program and the new USDA Food Box program. Afterwards, we'll open it up to you to share what your organization/community is doing and connect with others. RSVP by clicking the linked title.
  • Information for NH Farmers to Accept SNAP: We know that supply chains are disrupted and more people are food insecure - to help with this, the Food Alliance, UNH Extension, and other partners have created a simple flyer detailing how farmers can start to accept SNAP (using EBT cards) for their products. There is information about a program called MarketLink that offers FREE EBT card readers to selected applicants. Also, there will be a useful webinar on May 6th @ 7pm detailing more about the SNAP process for food producers. Please feel free to share the flyer and webinar widely.
  • UNH Extension Maps: You might have already seen the Food Access map that Extension released a couple weeks ago, which connects NH food pantries and community organizations with those facing food insecurity. Extension just added a second map for Farm Products! This map connects NH farmers straight to consumers with up to date information including payment options, potential delivery/pick-up, and more. Please help Extension to share these resources, and ask food providers or farmers to add themselves to the proper map! 
Also, another reminder that if you are on the listserv you are also able to submit your own notices and events - just send an email to "nh.foodsystem@lists.unh.edu" and it will be sent to the 250+ NH food system professionals who've signed up. This listserv is a really great way to share information widely with the network and we'd love to see it get more use! 

For more information: 
Samantha Cave, Communications Coordinator, NH Food Alliance & NH Farm to School
The Sustainability Institute at University of New Hampshire