Monadnock Farm Share, Racial Equity Challenge, Community Listening Project, Seedling Sale, and Network Cafes

 Food system happenings for Spring 2021:

Join NH Food Alliance on the first Friday of each month from 12-1pm for lively conversation and learning with partners across the food system. Topics come from our network partners and often lead to offline collaborations and projects, turning talk into action. Register here.
I will be presenting Eating Change: A Critical Autoethnography of Gardening, Learning, and Cultivating Identity in Community Food Systems, at the annual joint conference of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS), Canadian Association for Food Studies (CAFS), and Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN). The virtual conference will take place from June 9-15, 2021. Info here
The Cornucopia Project is offering a variety of organically grown plants for transplanting this spring and summer. All produce sales support The Cornucopia Project Educational Farm programs. Info and order form here.

The Monadnock Farm Share Program provides limited-income Monadnock Region residents with the opportunity to support their local CSA farmer and receive reliable high-quality produce on a regular basis all season long. CSA Share prices are discounted through an innovative cost-share model. Participating families and individuals receive a CSA vegetable share for half the price! Info and sign-up here.

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is looking for 15 New Hampshire residents to lead a community listening and research project beginning in April, 2021. Online; training and supports provided.

The community researchers will design the research project including what questions will be asked and how information will be gathered from community members. The project will be guided by the following question: “What barriers to opportunity exist for Granite Staters and what could be done to help lower or remove these barriers?” Info and position description here.

The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge is happening April 5-25. Join me here.