May 2021 updates

School gardening with Cornucopia Project is in full swing! In addition to coordinating this and other programs, I'm educating in the garden again and it is a blast! Please keep Cornucopia Project in mind for NH Gives, June 8-9:

I am also now directing the NH Gleans network, and will be convening the regional leads to kick off this year's efforts in the next few weeks. More info:

Dissertation writing continues, and I've been accepted to present at the Critical Autoethnography virtual conference this fall (September 30 & October 1). My proposal:

What holds my creative and critical autoethnographic attention in this bubble moment is the imperative to get all these working identities pulling as a team. To grow the food and sustain the systems to survive, we need to build the soil. To build the soil, we need to commit to place. To commit to place, we need to nurture our ‘selves’ - the gardener, the builder, the knowledge-keeper, the healer, the visionary, the pragmatist. Encourage in each a sense of meaning in the resilience imperative at hand. Draw from each to nourish the possibility of a culture that supports belonging.

And the work at Hindsight Gardens continues. Potatoes, onions, peas, corn, squash, tomatoes, peppers, beans, carrots, swiss chard, kale, lettuce, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, garlic. Blueberry, cherry, beach plum, honeyberry, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, peach, nectarine, hazelnut, black walnut, butternut. Rhubarb, rose, hawthorn, lemon balm, oregano, thyme, marjoram, cilantro, sage, parsley, celery, sumac. Hops! And twenty-seven laying hens and a very handsome rooster. 

Always open to connect.