
Showing posts from March, 2020

Resources for educators, researchers, and writers in the age of COVID-19

I know none of us is alone in finding work that's challenging in "normal" times becomes next to impossible in strenuous circumstances. While I'm admittedly thankful not to be commuting 12+ hours/week, that time savings has been offset by the conversion of class plans to the online learning environment, managing around a household whose social supports and routines have been disrupted, and preparing our homestead for growing more food. Perhaps the biggest impediment has been the impact of stress on our collective ability to focus. I'm concerned for folks who are vulnerable - financially, mentally, and physically. Yet, I've also been taking the opportunities afforded by the situation to reflect, take stock of what's important and what's at risk, practice gratitude for what's been taken for granted, and develop new structures and routines. I am adapting my approaches to teaching and community work. For example, I've changed a two-week challenge ...

Video conference call on coronavirus, food sovereignty, and higher education this Thursday

Sharing this piece from the  Community Alliance for Global Justice's Food Justice Project listserv.  Through political action and anti-oppressive organizing and community-building, CAGJ's Food Justice Project seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives as we join the global struggle for food sovereignty for all! There will be a mass video conference call on Coronavirus, food sovereignty, and higher education this Thursday at 8pm Eastern Time.  Sign up here! Dear Community, COVID-19 has reminded us that our society and our communities are only as strong as the most vulnerable among us, and the systems we have to care for one another. The risk is high for everyone and it is especially high for those who are older and those with weak immune systems. It is also very high for those who can’t social distance - people in prisons, de...

Food System Responses to COVID-19

As an environmental educator with a special focus on food systems, adapting my graduate and undergraduate courses to fully online delivery has become an urgent need. Email communications from the three institutions I work with have about tripled in the last few weeks as both the needs and creative potential of students and faculty emerge and policies seem to change daily. Managing the homestead has come a completely new game with two teenagers at home full-time. That part hasn't bad - we're getting a ton of spring yard work done, and they self-manage their schoolwork for 3-4 hours/day. It just takes a whole lot of executive functioning to create routines and structures that are conducive to both productivity and health. Keeping perspective. We are healthy, and we're privileged to have a safe home, reliable wi-fi connection, and food. Speaking of food, the situation is opening a whole new dimension of awareness for my students, family, and professional communities about ...

How the pandemic and related crises are shifting my actions

I'm doubling my garden this year. I have 720 cells (15 trays) of seedlings in prep. I'm selling five 8-week garden basket subscriptions to local folk. Salvaging pallets for fencing and yard material bins. Picking back up with sourdough and kombucha. Learning how to propagate elderberry. Learning how to prune apple trees. Learning how to collect rainwater. Most surprising, learning how to shoot a rifle to protect my flock.  Teaching online. For my Food, Wellness, and Social Environment course, I'm converting a two-week "ethical eating" challenge to a two-week observation and reflection period on how students' current experiences shed light on how our food system is impacted by crisis. For my Food & Environment class, I'm asking students to come up with their own questions about the content, collaborate on discussion threads, and have these questions inform the final exam. Talking to people on the phone. Enjoying the interview process as a way to buil...